Schurification of polynomial quantum wreath products (with Chun-Ju Lai)
Coherent sheaves on surfaces, COHAs and deformed \(W_{1+\infty}\)-algebras (with Anton Mellit, Olivier Schiffmann, Éric Vasserot)
\(P=W\) via \(\mathcal{H}_2\) (with Tamás Hausel, Anton Mellit, Olivier Schiffmann)
KLR and Schur algebras for curves and semi-cuspidal representations (with Ruslan Maksimau)
International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2023, Issue 8, April 2023, Pages 6976-7052
Cohomological Hall algebras for Higgs torsion sheaves, moduli of triples and sheaves on surfaces
Selecta Mathematica (N.S.) 26, No. 2, Paper No. 30, 67 p. (2020)
Some recordings of me talking about math.
KLR and Schur algebras for curves and semi-cuspidal representations
a talk about arXiv:2010.01419 at the RepNet virtual seminarA primer on CoHas
a semi-expository talk at the ICMS Summer School